Tips for caring for houseplants during the cold season

66 viewed, 3 min
29 november

The cold season can be a challenge for houseplants. Shortened daylight hours, changing indoor temperatures and humidity levels require a special approach to plant care. In this article, we'll share tips and strategies to help your green pets stay healthy and beautiful during the fall and winter.

1. Provide adequate light

Lighting plays a key role in the health of indoor plants, especially during the colder months when days are short and sunlight is limited.

Optimize Natural Light:

- Move plants: Place plants closer to windows to maximize access to natural light. Southern windows usually offer more light.

- Window Cleaning: Clean windows regularly to maximize sunlight penetration into the room.

- Regrouping plants: Place plants with high light needs in the brightest areas and shade-tolerant plants in less lighted corners.

Use of Artificial Lighting:

- Phytolamps: Use LED phytolamps or specialty plant lights for supplemental lighting, especially if your space doesn't get enough natural light.

- Lighting Schedule: Set your artificial lighting on a timer to give your plants an even day of light, which should be approximately 8-10 hours a day.

2. Control temperature and drafts

Maintaining an optimal temperature and protecting plants from drafts will help prevent stress and damage to plants during the cold season.

Temperature Regimen:

- Avoid temperature extremes: Try to maintain a stable room temperature between 18-25°C. Most indoor plants prefer this temperature range.

- Protection from Heat Sources: Do not place plants too close to radiators, stoves or heaters as this can dry out and damage the plants.

Protection from Drafts:

- Avoid cold drafts: Place plants away from front doors and cold windows. Cold drafts can quickly damage plants, especially tropical species.

- Insulate windows: If possible, use insulating curtains or thick drapes at night to minimize heat loss through windows.

3. Adapt watering

In the winter, plants' water needs typically decrease due to cooler temperatures and slower growth. Proper watering in the winter is critical to keeping plants healthy.

Watering Tips:

- Check the soil: Before watering, check the soil moisture by inserting your finger about 2-3 centimeters deep. Water only when the top layer of soil is dry.

- Reduce the frequency of watering: Plants usually need less water in winter. Water less frequently, but make sure the water soaks all the soil evenly.

- Avoid stagnant water: Do not allow water to stagnate in the pot's sump as this can lead to root rot.

4. Maintain humidity

Heating appliances running in winter can dry out the air in the room, which is not always favorable for indoor plants.

Ways to increase humidity:

- Use humidifiers: This is one of the most effective ways to maintain proper humidity levels.

- Spraying: Regularly spray the leaves of plants with water, especially those that prefer high humidity, such as tropical species.

- Create "wet" zones: Place plants on trays of damp stones or gravel to increase the humidity around the plants.

5. Limit fertilization

In the winter, most indoor plants enter a dormant period or slow their growth, which reduces their need for additional nutrition.

Fertilization recommendations:

- Reduce the frequency of fertilizing: Stop or significantly reduce winter fertilizing. Begin fertilizing again in early spring when plants resume active growth.

- Choose fertilizers with care: If you do decide to fertilize in winter, use fertilizers with low nitrogen content and at half the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Proper winter care will help your indoor plants not only survive, but thrive in the warmer seasons. By following these simple tips, you'll ensure your plants have everything they need to maintain their health and beauty.


Winter care for indoor plants requires care and some adjustments to your regular routine. By following these simple tips, you'll help your plants successfully survive the colder months and keep them healthy and beautiful until spring. Remember that green pets not only decorate our homes, but also contribute to a comfortable and cozy atmosphere, especially important during the winter months.

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Winter Care for Indoor Plants.