How to Root a Rose from a Bouquet at Home

96 viewed, 4 min
18 august

Introduction: Giving a Rose a Second Life Opportunity

We all love receiving bouquets of roses - they symbolize love, respect, and beauty. But what to do when the petals start to wither and the beauty of these flowers fades away? Instead of discarding them, you can try giving a rose a new life by transforming it from a bouquet into a beautiful plant in your home garden. This is not just a way to preserve memories associated with a specific bouquet but also an opportunity to expand your plant collection.

What is Rooting and Why Bouquet Roses are Suitable for It?

Rooting is a process where plants form new roots. There are numerous methods for rooting different plants, including using stems, leaves, or other parts of the plant. As for roses, the most effective way is rooting stems.

Bouquet roses are well-suited for this task for several reasons:

Quality of Material: Bouquet roses are often grown under conditions that maximize their beauty, resulting in healthy and strong stems that facilitate successful rooting.

Variety of Varieties: Sometimes, unique rose varieties can be found in bouquets, which can be a wonderful addition to your garden.

Emotional Value: Rooting a rose from a gift bouquet can hold special significance, adding a personal touch to your home landscape.

By rooting a rose from a bouquet, you not only acquire a new plant for your garden but also preserve a piece of memories associated with that special moment when you received those flowers.

Selecting the Right Stem: Key Criteria

Stem Health: Choose stems without signs of disease or damage. They should have a fresh green color, without spots or black areas.

Thickness: The stem should be reasonably thick - about the size of a pencil. Too thin stems might not have enough energy for rooting.

Length: The recommended stem length for rooting is between 15 to 20 cm.

Leaves: The selected stem should have a few leaves, but most of them should be removed, leaving only a few at the top.

Tools and Materials for Rose Rooting

    - Sharp scissors or pruners for clean and even cuts.

      - Soil: Special rooting mix or light universal soil.

        - Planting container: It could be a pot or a plastic cup with drainage holes.

          - Rooting hormone (if needed): It can increase the chances of success.

            - Plastic bag or plastic wrap for creating a humid environment around the stem.

            Steps for Rooting a Rose from a Bouquet

            1. Cleaning and Cutting the Stem:

            Select a healthy stem and make a clean angled cut using a sharp and clean tool.

            Leave 2-3 leaves at the top and remove all the others.

            2. Preparing the Soil and Planting Container:

            Fill the container with the prepared soil.

            Create a hole in the center of the soil for the stem.

            3. Using rooting hormone (if needed):

            Dip the tip of the stem into the rooting hormone solution according to the instructions on the package.

            4. Planting the Stem and Creating a Humid Microclimate:

            Insert the stem into the prepared hole in the container, deep by about 3-5 cm.

            Secure the stem by lightly pressing the soil around it.

            Water the soil, but avoid over-watering.

            Cover the container with a plastic bag or plastic wrap, creating a "greenhouse" effect.

            Caring for Rooted Roses: Watering, Lighting, and Other Recommendations


            Strive to keep the soil moist, but not wet.

            The water should be at room temperature.

            Use the "saucer" method, where there's a saucer under the pot that helps regulate humidity.


            During the rooting of roses, they need bright but diffused light.

            Avoid direct sunlight, which can cause drying out and leaf damage.


            Regularly ventilate the "greenhouse" by opening the plastic cover briefly to provide fresh air.

            Common Issues During Rooting and Their Solutions

            Rotting of the stem. Cause: Excessive humidity or contaminated soil. Solution: Reduce watering frequency, improve ventilation, use sterile soil.

            Wilting of leaves. Cause: Insufficient humidity, high temperature, or inadequate lighting. Solution: Adjust watering and lighting conditions.

            Root system issues. Cause: Stem was unhealthy or unsuitable for rooting. Solution: Use healthy stems that meet the selection criteria.

            Transplanting a Rooted Rose: When and How to Do it Right

            When? When the rose starts active growth and forms a root system (usually after 6-8 weeks), it's ready for transplanting.

            How? Choose a spot for planting the rose in open ground or a larger pot. Dig the soil deeply and add compost or organic fertilizer for nourishment. Carefully remove the rose from the pot, trying not to damage the roots. Plant the rose in the new spot, covering the roots with soil. Water thoroughly after planting.

            Conclusion: Enjoying the New Life of a Rose from a Bouquet

            Many people perceive a bouquet of roses as a temporary pleasure, meant for short-lived delight or emotional expression. However, as our experience shows, each rose from a bouquet has the potential to become the start of a new beautiful plant that can grow and delight you for years to come.

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            How to Root a Rose from a Bouquet at Home